A large urn filled with stunning red roses and pink chrysanthemums

5 Reasons To Support Your Local Florist

When an important event like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or a wedding is just around the corner one of the big questions to consider is: where are you going to buy your fresh flowers?

We believe that buying fresh flowers for any event should be about the experience and not just the price. These events are sometimes once-in-a-lifetime moments and the flowers should be just as special.Having your arrangements or bouquets put together with care and attention can help make those moments more fulfilling. Suzanne from Bold Botanicals has been an interior designer and decorator for over 25 years and loves the process to help you get the best flowers for your needs.

Here are 5 reasons why you should buy fresh flowers from your community to help support your local florist during your next event:

1.Local florists are more knowledgeable and passionate about flowers. Florist businesses focus on selling flowers and plants. When buying your fresh flowers, you have the guarantee that your flowers have been professionally taken care of (stored at the right temperature, given the right amount of food, water being changed frequently) and this means your bouquets and arrangements will last longer. We call this ‘conditioning’ the flowers. We also know what is pet safe, low allergy or fragrant to meet your special requests!

2. Local florists will give you personalised service and caring tips. You will gain valuable advice from them on the type of flowers that are on offer during the time of your event, like Valentine’s Day. They also know how to match flower bouquets & sustainable wrapping options for extra personality and glamour to suit the occasion. All of Bold Botanicals gifting bouquets are presented with a flower care card for the recipient plus we like to list the hero flowers used in the arrangement.

3. Local florists will work around your budget. Florists can create a bouquet to suit your budget so you don’t have to be limited to pre-made arrangements with 'set recipes' like the larger franchises. They will happily work around your budget to create that special personalised bouquet that you have been dreaming about. Want to add some va-va-voom? How about pimping your design with some locally grown Cymbidium orchids? Maybe you’d like to add a gift as well, such as a Candle or Seed bombs for a home gardener! We have lots of design solutions at Bold Botanicals to suit your needs.

4. Flexible Delivery Options. The delivery of your bouquet or arrangements can be catered for if you are not around or would like it to be delivered somewhere special or at a specific time. Your florist will ensure the flowers are protected during transport and they will minimise transport time in a hot van. Have you heard of a wet wrap? We ensure the bouquet has enough liquid in the stems to make it to your recipient, if the flowers are not being presented in a vase. Bold Botanicals offer a Saturday delivery option and After Hours service for a small fee - this is a popular option for Valentines Day or Mother Day.

5. Support your local community. Buying your next bouquet from your local florist is rewarding as you are supporting your local community and local families. Bold Botanicals source from local NSW growers, which further supports our industry and protects us from the issues faced recently with Covid and imported flowers. They appreciate your business and will always strive to give you the utmost service.

When planning flowers for your next event, consider buying from Bold Botanicals - we would love to show you the Bold Experience!

Stay Bold!

Suz x

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